Big News Today! Of course, the Band of Oz is playing a FREE Concert in Calabash, NC. I figure you knew that already.

Breaking Beach Music News of the Day

I have joined the Surf Team at 94.9! Listen for LIVE Updates from me, Jay Kinlaw, on Tuesday Nights from Calabash, NC. I will be calling in from each LIVE concert held at the Calabash Community Park in Calabash, NC. I hope you can come join us every Tuesday Night, but if you can’t be there…. tune in to The Surf and hear about all the fun we are having without you!


Band of Oz – June 21st

Tonight, June 21st, The Band of Oz takes the stage shortly after 6PM. Thank you Grand Strand Realty Group for supporting this great series!

Look for updates and current schedule of events on my facebok page, where I will be checking in with Ted Bell, Jason ‘the Judge’ Justice, Stevie B and the rest of the team at 94.9 The Surf.

Superjock JJ Schedule and Updates

Look for News from the Surf Team